Matthew Fishman


  1. Lazy Operator Algebra
  2. Automatic Differentiation of Tensor Networks
  3. Visualizing Tensor Networks

Lazy Operator Algebra

In ITensors.jl I have been working on a lazy algebraic system for taking sums and products of operators. The feature is in the ITensors.Ops module and is meant to provide a full lazy algebra system for operators in a tensor product space.

In progress, stayed tuned to find out more!

Automatic Differentiation of Tensor Networks

Here we will give an overview of using automatic differentiation of tensor networks with ITensor. Many of this is available in the ITensors.jl package.

In progress, stayed tuned to find out more!

Visualizing Tensor Networks

Here we will give an introduction to new developments we have made in ITensors.jl for visualizing tensor network. Currently we have two backends, an interactive visualization backend based on Makie.jl (more specifically, GraphMakie, a graph visualization package built on top of Makie.jl) called ITensorGLMakie.jl , and a text-based visualization based on UnicodePlots.jl called ITensorUnicodePlots.jl .

In progress, stayed tuned to find out more!