Matthew Fishman

About Me

  1. Current Work
  2. Online Presence
  3. Recorded Talks
  4. Education
  5. Hobbies

Current Work

ITensor - I am currently the lead developer of ITensor (co-developed with Miles Stoudenmire ), a leading tensor network software library with applications to quantum physics, quantum computing, machine learning, and chemistry written in C++ and Julia.

The primary development of ITensor is happening in the Julia version of the project now, and most new features are being added there. We highly recommend that if you are starting a new project or contributing a new feature, you consider using the Julia version.

If you are unfamiliar with the Julia programming language , it is a wonderful high performance, high level language with the speed of C/C++ and the plug-and-play features of Python. It is perfectly suited for scientific computing!

ITensors.jl - ITensor was originally written in C++ (see the source code ). I led the development of C++ ITensor Version 3 , as well as the full port of ITensor to Julia, called ITensors.jl , which was officially released in May of 2020. Since then, I've also developed a variety of related Julia packages.

PastaQ.jl - Along with Giacomo Torlai I am a co-developer of the PastaQ.jl Julia library for simulating and analyzing quantum computers. This package is built on top of ITensors.jl, and has a variety of quantum computing and quantum information-specific functionality like noisy gate evolution, extensive and easily extendable quantum gate and circuit definitions, variational quantum circuit optimization, state-of-the-art quantum state and process tomography, along with a growing list of features.

I primarily code in Julia and C++ (more in Julia lately).

I am interesting in writing simple to use and high performance open source code that is designed well enough to be both extensible and last for many years.

I am most excited about my recent work in applying tools like automatic differentiation, multithreading, and interactive visualization to improve tensor network software and algorithms.

I am interested in learning more about applying other high performance computing (HPC) techniques like GPUs and distributed computing to improve tensor network software.

Check out my Github repositories and reach out with any questions you have or if you are interested in contributing to any projects I develop!

Online Presence

Email - For general questions, feel free to email me directly. I receive a lot of email, if I don't respond it may have gotten buried in my inbox so please email me again to remind me to respond. If you have questions about how to use ITensor, it is better to ask on the ITensor Discourse forum. If you have issues or feature request for a software that I develop, it is better to raise an issue in the appropriate Github repository.

Github - Here you can find most of my coding projects and activity. If there are problems or missing features on coding projects I work on, please raise an issue on the Github repository of the corresponding project or make a pull request if you have a fix (though it is best to check with me before starting a pull request, since my collaborators and I may already be working on the same issue or have a specific design in mind). If I don't respond, feel free to bug me with comments on Github or by email.

ITensor Discussion Forum - I answer questions about ITensor on our discussion forum. This is a good place to ask ITensor-specific questions, for example questions on how to use ITensor.

Julia Discussion Forum - I occasionally ask and answer questions on Julia discourse, but look at it almost every day to keep up with developments in Julia.

Work Profile - This is my current work profile for my job as a Research Scientist and Software Engineer (Research Scientist-Software) at the Center for Computational Quantum Physics, part of the Flatiron Institute, the internal research division of the Simons Foundation.

Google Scholar - Here you can find an up to date list of my publications.



Recorded Talks

Intelligent Tensors in Julia | JuliaCon 2019

What's new in ITensors.jl | JuliaCon 2021


PhD in Physics, Caltech, 2018. My thesis was on the development of tensor network algorithms.

BS in Engineering Physics, Cornell University, 2012. I did undergraduate research using computational methods like density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) to study the surface stability of copper.


Besides developing algorithms and software, in my free time I like hiking, biking, skiing and kayaking in the Hudson Valley and beyond!